A. Gravity Forms Overview

The Gravity Forms plugin on your WordPress site allows you to create and maintain both simple and more complex forms on your website.

Form uses can include:

  • Contact Forms
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Order Forms
  • Event Registration Forms
  • Newsletter Subscription Forms (when you create your newsletter in print or PDF format)

The Visitor’s Experience

When a visitor to your site arrives at your form, they skim the form, fill in the information, and click Submit.

They next see a thank you page, and they may receive an email with the information they submitted, along with additional information or instructions.

You, the Form Creator

As the form creator, you control:

  • what information is collected on the form
  • the order of the information on the form
  • all the wording on the “thank you page” (called the confirmation page)
  • everything about emails sent after the form submission:
    • who the emails are sent to (e.g. the site visitor, yourself, and anyone else)
    • what the emails say (subject line, body of the email).
      You can even merge-in some of the data the site visitor submitted to customize the form (e.g. Dear First Name)
  • where site visitors can find the form (you can also take the form offline for maintenance, or for seasonal forms)

Common Emails

Most forms have at least two notification emails – one to the site visitor, and one to the form administrator:

  • the email to the site visitor usually lists all the data they submitted, and any additional information or instructions you want them to know
  • the email to the form administrator lists part or all the data the site visitor submitted

Form Data is Saved Inside WordPress

Gravity Forms also saves all the data submitted by the site visitor inside WordPress so you can review it later.  You can also export the data to a spreadsheet.